
You waltzed into my life...
like a feather on the evening breeze

I opened my arms to you..
willing accepting your so called love

We went everywhere together
And I didn't have a clue

And then he came between us
Flashing a coy smile, and laying down the sweet lines

You left me in the cold
Sliding into his welcoming arms

I watched you both from a distance
You in his arms, and his around you

My hatred for you both
growing with each passing second

So I followed you both to the lake
Staring down upon your feverish embraces

Wathing from the comfort of the shadows
Where I had been shunned to by your so called loving heart

Moving quietly up upon you both
You never knowing I was even there

Raising the razor sharp blade above my head
Swinging with all my strength

Grinning maliciously as your screams of horror
Flood the chilling night air

After the dirty deed has been done
I rid of my weapon in the murky water

Walking back to my car a trace of your scarlet blood
splattered across my once handsome face tiwtsted with dementia....