Welcome friend, or might ye be foe? Tis not important really, for all are welcome. Wander through these halls as you will, touch what you must, or steal what you will, though keep in mind for whatever is taken, so something shall be given in return, albeit willingly or not.


Goodness gracious, has it really been more then a year or two since I've bothered to update? Why yes, I believe it has. No, I haven't really been all that busy.. just lazy. ~chuckle~ Anyway. A few updates shall be made, and my pic within the bio updated to one much more recent. In time, I have plans to add more artwork of mine to the Stainted Glass Windows.

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Angel's Wrath

. . . faranno dei cimiteri le toro cattedrali e delle citta le vostre tombe - Dario Argento

(. . . for the cemeteries shall be their cathedrals, and the cities shall be your tombs)

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( In case your just plain stupid this is the Guestbook )

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